We have spaces available in some year groups - get in touch if you would like to see our school.


Our vision for children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) is the same as for all children and that they achieve well throughout their time at school and beyond, and that they go on to lead happy and fulfilled lives.

We believe that every pupil, regardless of gender, race or disability, has a right to equal access to a broad and balanced curriculum. We consider it essential that the curriculum is presented in a supportive and stimulating atmosphere, which values each child and encourages them to achieve their full potential.

Children’s SEND will be identified at the earliest possible point with support put in place, and their parents will know what services/provision they can reasonably expect to be provided to meet their needs. Children and their parents/carers will be fully involved in decisions about their support and what they want to achieve.

Importantly, the aspirations for children and young people will be raised through an increased focus on life outcomes, including employment and greater independence (Code of Practice 2015).