We have spaces available in some year groups - get in touch if you would like to see our school.


After School Clubs
We provide a diverse range of after school clubs every term for all ages. Our aim is to give all children the opportunity to engage in wider opportunities in different aspects of the curriculum and to promote health and well-being. Our staff are very generous with their time and commitment and with external providers offer different clubs for each of the six terms over the year.
Children are encouraged to attend clubs and we ensure that there is a balance of clubs that are free and those with a nominal charge to cover costs. Each term will have a range of club types including sports based activities. 
Bespoke Clubs
We provide some bespoke clubs for groups of children both before and after school. These include Nessy club for targeted children to develop their spelling and reading skills, Prep Club to prepare Year 6 for the year ahead and transition to secondary school and the occasional choir for a special event!
Breakfast Club
We currently have a breakfast club, for wrap around care, provided by PH Sports. This is an Ofsted registered provision organised and managed by PH Sports with parents able to register and book online. PH Sports allow bookings to be made onto our after-school and breakfast clubs using Childcare Vouchers or Tax Free Childcare payments. 
Breakfast Club currently runs daily 7.40-8.40am and is based in the School House. The sessions combine a healthy, nutritious breakfast with activities that include sport, adventure and discovery. Our clubs actively engage every child whilst providing a great opportunity to socialise with school friends.  

Register and book online by 19:15 the night before.