We have spaces available in some year groups - get in touch if you would like to see our school.

Children's Council

The Children's Council play an important part in the school. They are made up of children from each year group who are voted by their peers at the beginning of each academic year. 


The Children's Council meet regularly and share ideas and issues raised by Class Council meetings. They feedback to parents and the community in newsletters and also lead whole school meetings to discuss issues with all the staff and children.

The Children's Council have made quite a lot of changes to the school; providing new playtime equipment and furniture for the grounds, as well as introducing new rules and projects. They decided, from discussions with their Class Councils, to introduce only healthy snacks (fruit and veg) at playtimes and also set up composting throughout the school with the help of Wiltshire Wildlife Trust. They have looked at how to enhance playtimes further and ways to support the community, including charity work. The Children's Council are keen to link with other councils in schools locally and even globally!