We have spaces available in some year groups - get in touch if you would like to see our school.

Learning at Horningsham

We want all of our pupils to receive an excellent education that fosters a love of learning, and develops their knowledge and skills so that they grow up to be curious and creative life-long learners and responsible citizens. Our curriculum covers everything your child learns, explores, experiences and enjoys while at Horningsham.

We aim to ensure that our ambitious and carefully designed curriculum:

  • is broad and balanced, enabling pupils to develop a wide range of knowledge and skills
  • is sequenced carefully so that children can make links and connections between areas of learning
  • uses enquiry questions to inspire curiosity and promote deeper, critical thinking
  • provides opportunities for children to share their voice and be open-minded about the ideas of others
  • values the creative arts by interweaving creative opportunities
  • reflects our locality in a small, rural village, alongside raising global awareness
  • promotes spiritual, social, moral and cultural development
  • is enriched with high quality resources, visits and experiences
Our curriculum map ensures that all aspects of the National Curriculum are covered, whilst at the same time not being overloaded with content so that deep learning is possible and outcomes are focused on skills, application of skills, knowledge and understanding. 
As we have mixed age classes we have rolling programmes. Robins and Woodpeckers have a two year rolling programme and Owls have a three year rolling programme.