Throughout their learning journey, our pupils will secure a deep understanding of the core concepts that underpin religions and worldviews in line with the Wiltshire Agreed Syllabus for RE. We have chosen to follow the approach of using enquiry based questions that incorporate a variety of religious and non-religious viewpoints within units so that pupils are better able to make links and connections between ideas and beliefs, whilst providing opportunities for pupils to explore their own personal views. It has been designed in such a way so that pupils can be prepared for their next step in life where they are confident to interact with people they might meet from different religious and non-religious viewpoints in a respectful, knowledgeable and open-minded way. Through a wide range of activities, including debates, drama and art work, our pupils will develop the knowledge and skills to ask curious questions, make connections, be confident to explore their own views, and appreciate, evaluate and respond to religious, philosophical and ethical questions.